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Metal hangers and safety pins are available for consignors to purchase beginning Saturday, December 7 ~ metal hangers ($2 for 25) and safety pins ($1 per 100). You may come by The Village Thrift Market, located next to The Village Event Center, Monday thru Saturday from 10:00AM until 4:00 PM. Must be registered before we will sell hangers & safety pins ~ PLEASE BRING CORRECT CASH!  However, visit your local cleaners NOW for FREE hangers! Just make sure they are the 16in hangers. If you are selling ladies BOUTIQUE or Junior clothing, you MUST use 18 inch hangers. Also, you can buy your own safety pins at Walmart, Target or Dollar General but PLEASE be sure you get the #2 size pin! DO NOT USE TINY PINS. 


If you plan on attending the Preview Sale for our consignors you must contribute 15 or more children’s items (if only selling 15 items please bring a few extra just in case an item might be rejected!). 

PLEASE inspect sale items carefully before spending your valuable time tagging ~ do not bring items you would not purchase for your own family.  If in doubt ~ leave it out and remember ~ Clean/Like New sells best, as well as pricing to SELL!  If you have questions about any sale items contact Jennifer at or call 334-524-0606.

Receiving Dates

Saturday,  February 22  •  8:30am – 4:30pm   

Sunday,  February 23  •  2:00pm – 6:00pm 

Monday, February 24  •  10am - 6pm

Tuesday, February 25  •  10am - 6pm

Before Receiving Begins

•  Register as a new or returning consignor ~ Everyone must register for each sale!

•  Start collecting your metal hangers and safety pins – Most cleaners will give you for FREE their metal hangers! Just make sure they are the 16in hangers. If you are selling ladies BOUTIQUE clothes or Junior clothing, you MUST use the 18 inch hanger. 

•  Hang and tag your items. If you want to have your items RETURNED after the sale, you must place a RED "R" in the top left corner of your tag

•  Don’t wait ~ buy your Avery labels now at Walmart or Office Depot and print them at home! IT is SO EASY and VERY convenient to print your own labels from the comfort of your home!

Click here

•  Double-check that all items have tags with barcodes! 

• Please separate your Specialty/Boutique clothes, Easter clothes, ladies BOUTIQUE purses, Ladies BOUTIQUE clothes, Auburn & Alabama clothes, or sportswear (baseball pants, football pants, soccer shorts, etc.) from other clothing items as they will not be displayed together.   All other items should be grouped together, i.e. toys (including games, puzzles, DVD’s, arts/crafts) in a bag/box; shoes in a bag/box; children’s misc. items such as bibs, hats, socks, bows, bottles, safety items, bedding, etc.

During Receiving:

•  FIRST  “Check-in” at our computer as a consignor and turn in your signed  KCC Seller Agreement/Waiver .  You will receive a Preview Sale ticket along with some KCC flyers to pass out and let others know about our upcoming sale event!  

IMPORTANT:  You may not “Check-in” at computer or receive a Preview Sale ticket if you do not have at least 15 children’s items (if only selling 15 items please bring a few extra just in case an item is rejected!) tagged and barcoded!!  If you need labels during receiving there will be a barcode station set up to have them printed.  Please have your consignor number and a list of the price increments you need printed.  You may take labels to your car and affix labels to sale items or you may take labels home and bring sale items back later that day or on another receiving day.

•  All clothing items MUST be hung correctly on metal hangers and sorted by size & sex ~ NO EXCEPTIONS!  All other sale items securely packaged and tagged before proceeding to inspection tables.  *If you are bringing a friend’s sale items (one friend only), keep their items separate from yours.  Make sure you bring their signed KCC Waiver/Seller Agreement and get their Preview Sale ticket. AGAIN, YOU ARE ALLOWED to BRING only ONE friend's items at a time. 

•  If you are planning on bringing items towards the end of a receiving day, please arrive 15 minutes BEFORE receiving ends with items tagged and sorted by size & sex.

•  Your clothing items will be inspected for correct season and blemishes such as ~ stains, tears, holes, broken zippers, missing buttons, or items showing excessive wear (extremely thinned knees, balled fabric, etc).

•  Other sale items will be inspected for missing or broken pieces, incomplete sets will not be accepted and please bring your own working batteries for battery operated items.

•  Please don’t be offended if we ask you to take back some of your items ~ it is easy to miss a tear or stain when tagging at home.  We will be checking very closely to offer the best quality, so that you as a purchaser will have the confidence that you are buying the best at Kids Clothes Connection!

 Before You Leave

• Volunteers ~ you do not need a Preview Sale ticket, however please pick up some KCC flyers and pass out to friends, church, play groups, local businesses, etc. and let them know about the sale!

• Consignors ~ Make sure you have your Preview Sale Ticket and some KCC flyers.  Do not misplace this ticket,  it is your “Pass” to get in!

Kids Clothes Connection © 2018. All Rights Reserved

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